After a lot fanfare and elaborate promotions across the nation, Varun Dhawan and Kiara Advani starrer Jugjugg Jeeyo launched in theatres on June 24, 2022. The movie additionally stars Anil Kapoor, Neetu Kapoor, Maniesh Paul and introduces Prajakta Koli to the massive display viewers. Whereas the promotions had been grander than ever, the movie has opened on first rate observe in abroad throughout the 1,014 screens.
The movie made its debut on the field workplace within the Prime 10 charts internationally. It was ranked no. 3 in Gulf, no. 6 in Australia and UK, whereas it bagged no. 7 place in USA and Canada, and no. 8 in New Zealand.
Australia field workplace
57,764 USD [Rs. 45.20 lacs] from 59 screens
New Zealand field workplace
20,541 USD [Rs. 16.07 lacs] from 21 screens
U.Okay field workplace
57,617 USD [Rs. 45.08 lacs] from 101 screens
U.S.A field workplace
183,105 USD [Rs. 1.43 crore] from 283 screens
Canada field workplace
49,975 USD [Rs. 39.10 lacs] from 29 screens
Extra Pages: Jugjugg Jeeyo Box Office Collection , Jugjugg Jeeyo Movie Review